Do you like to travel?
Would you like to get some ideas about new travel attractions you shouldn’t miss?
Then Traveling Blog is what you need.
You’ll find here travel tips and tricks from 2 seasoned travelers, travel places to have in mind on your next trip and stories that will make you laugh.
Come meet the team:
Ramona is a freelance web designer who’s in love with traveling. She started traveling after she turned 20, but made sure to make up for the lost time.
With 18 months spent in NYC, 2 months in Spain and one in Italy, she has enough pictures and stories for your enjoyment.
Right now she is the mother of a 4 year traveler, who can’t get enough of sightseeing.
We call her Adi and she’s Ramona’s long-time friend. They met about 30 years ago and have been BFFs ever since.
Adriana is our SEO goddess, she loves to write and visit as many wonderful places as possible.
Adi moved to Italy a decade ago, so do expect a lot of great pics and stories from the old Roman Empire.
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